Secret to happiness- Day 6

“The universe is a mirror, and the law of attraction is mirroring back to you your thoughts. You have to emit the feeling frequency of having received it, to bring those pictures back as your life. When you do that, the Law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive.”

“The universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you. You don’t need to know how it’s going to come about. You don’t need to know how the universe will rearrange it self.”

“The universe likes speed. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. When opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That’s your job. And that’s all you have to do.”

“You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made.”

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step”

Secret to happiness-Day 5

Three simple steps to happiness:

1. ASK: Make a command to The Universe. Let The Universe know what you want. The Universe responds to your thoughts.

Be specific with what you ask; mixed thoughts will only attract mixed results. Work out on what you really want and ask.

Asking The Universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind you have asked.

2. BELIEVE: Believe that it’s already yours. Believe in the unseen. Don’t fret and worry about what you asked. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.

Believing involves acting, speaking and thinking as though you have already received what you have asked for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction moves people, events, and circumstances for you to receive.

3. RECEIVE: Begin to feel wonderful about it. Feel the way you will feel once it arrives. Feel it now. Feel everything into existence.

Receiving involves feeling the way you feel once your desire has manifested. Feeling good now put you on the frequency of what you want.

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Excerpts from “The secret”

Secret to Happiness- Day 4

“You are the creator of you and the law of attraction is your magnificent tool to create whatever you want in your life.”

“Secret shifters, such as pleasant memories, nature, or your favorite music, can change your feelings and shift your frequency in an instant.”

“You think of it and the universe begins to leverage it through people, circumstances and events to fulfill your wish.”

“The first step is to ask. Make a command to The universe. Let the The universe know what you want. The universe responds to your thoughts.”

Secret to happiness- Day 3

“Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts”

“Your feelings are the greatest tool to help you create your life. Pay attention to your feelings, good and bad.”

“If you’re feeling good, then you’re creating a future that’s on track with your desires. If you’re feeling bad, you’re creating a future that’s off track with your desires. As you go about your day, the law of attraction is working in every second”

“You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that’s surrounding you, even if it’s not there. And what will happen is the universe will correspond to the nature of your song.”

“As you focus intensely on your feelings, with the intention to lift yourself, you van powerfully elevate them.”

You have the power to change anything, because you are the one who chooses your thoughts and you are the one who feels your feelings.

“You create your own universe as you go along.”

-Excerpts from The Secret

Secret to happiness – Day 2

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person”

“The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want”

“The law of attraction is not biased to wants or don’t wants. When you focus on something, no matter what it happens to be, you really are calling that into existence ”

“Make your last thoughts before going to sleep good thoughts. The law of attraction are still operating on our last thoughts as we fall asleep”

“Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously change your thoughts and you can change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change”

“An affirmative thought is hundred times more powerful than a negative thought”

“Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life”

-Excerpts from The Secret

Secret to happiness – Day 1

“You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most” – John Assaraf

dour life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts”

“Thoughts become things” -Mike Dooley

” The vibrations of mental forces are the finest and consequently the most powerful on existence”- Charles Haanel

“The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is impersonal and it does not see good or bad things. It is receiving your thoughts and reflecting back to you those thoughts as your life experience”

-Excerpts from The Secret

Unconditional love of an Indian husband (pun intended)

unconditional-loveSo we, Indian women have very loving husbands and their love is so unconditional that it suffocates us. Wait! I am not saying we are ignoring our hubby’s love and sincerity in the efforts to make us feel loved. But let me run you through some of our worrisome rather annoying Indian husband’s dialogues when we want something or try something:

  • When you buy an eye liner they are worried about your eyes losing its beauty 🙂XHV5OO4XdX
  • When you buy a lipstick they worry whether you will eat the lead it and you will die next day 😀lip.jpg
  • When you want to go shopping, they suggest to eat out and actually you are not in the mood to eat.funny-shopping-pictures
  • When you suggest to eat out they take you out shopping and you don’t want to really go shopping because you are way too tired to walk.
  • When you ask them order fast food they worry about all the fat we will take in and the cleanliness of how it is cooked.6ff53ecbbc65a385f2ae6a76b80a0b4f
  • When you ask them to buy ice cream they say you will catch a cold or fever or whatever 😦


  • When you order spicy food they worry about your digestion process and all of a sudden ulcer props up 😉


  • When you want coffee they worry about the caffeine intake and will say you will not sleep blah blah


  • When you take medicines they worry about your liver but not how to take care of you or help you because they know we do alot and they cannot cope that much of work 😀 So we get liver class for free!


  • When you want new dress they make you look beautiful in old dresses and start looking at your wardrobe when they have no idea what you really have in it :D. And actually our problem is we never have enough lol!My-wardrobe
  • When you style your hair they worry about the vitality and luscious nature of hair 😉


  • When you nail paint they worry you will eat it and will think you will be in heaven next day. They also worry that nails get brittle and dry 😀


  • When you wear heels they worry about your feet and back. But they won’t massage your feet or back when your feet is running around the home doing multi-chores 😀


  • When you want Chinese food they worry about Mono Sodium Glutamate you consume……..Is-MSG-bad-for-you-CRS
  • When you carry the baby they worry whether you hold the neck of the baby right. Oh yeah I am gonna twist it 😀                                                      3cda7885e4ecf31522285da327c081cd
  • When you give milk or water to kids they worry about the temperature, when you know by touch it is OK.tumblr_m96ltrrxNx1r8p2q4.gif
  • When you are washing dishes they worry about the amount of dishwashing liquid we use. Arrgh!Mr_Stingy_Logo.png
  • When you eat chocolate they worry about your teeth (Dental visits are expensive, aren’t they?).FalseTeeth1_large.jpg
  • When you talk on phone they worry about ears and brain (Mobile bill is skyrocketing and their heart is plummeting.)

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  • When you want to go out with friends they worry about your safety.


  • When you buy any veg item in the market they bring down the whole market for the best one when actually the one in your hand and his hand are the same!!! Uffff


  • When you put a picture of yourself as profile/ display picture in any app they are worried if you will be in youtube the next day as pornstar. LOL!


  • When you drape a saree or wear any dress, they scan you up and down because a little skin be it your forearms, they think the whole species of men will be drooling over it.

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So much of concern. Some are OK. But seriously we women are individuals of own opinions and decisions. Before we were handed over to you in the so-called ceremony of marriage, we were taught how to take care of ourselves, how to dress, how to behave, etc.

WE know what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. Don’t interfere in EACH AND EVERY aspect of our life. We need our space and respect of who we are. Don’t try to change us and we won’t try to change you. Live and let live. I find so many men marry a woman thinking “Oh, I will change her”. Trust me, it will end in divorce or she might murder you!! LOL

So please, we really do understand what you really intend on those caring words and its hidden meanings are easy for us woman to interpret it. Better say it in your own mind please (sarcasm fully overloaded)

So the unconditional love fails badly because:

  • They don’t help you with dishes in spite of it piling up. Instead of helping they worry about your hands that you are really least bothered.
  • They don’t help you with just putting clothes in the washing machine.
  • They don’t help you change diapers or kid’s homework and project.
  • They don’t take you out, if they do they won’t let you buy anything, if you do buy, then you will regret it.
  • They don’t play with kids.
  • They don’t help in cooking.
  • They don’t fix anything at home.
  • They don’t help until you tell a gazillionth time to do something.

Do the above, do things physically and follow your promises with actions rather than words. DO IT! and we will love you for THAT unconditional love !!! Hugs 😀 😀

WE ladies love a man in action not a man lazying around 😀

Who all agree with me?

Annoying things you dare say to a SAHM or Working Mom!!

annoy     Most new moms or moms that have babies back-to-back or working moms have a difficult time to manage kids. Yes, any kind of suggestion, advice, parenting tip is all welcome. So when does it become annoying and irritating?

  1. When someone who has kids in school and compares their life with yours when you have two kids under two? They say its manageable for them then why not us?: Well, because my kids are yet to learn our language! When I say to my 1 year old not to cross the road, she won’t cross even if her IQ level is 10000 or even let us assume she must be having “Bodhi-dharman” genes.. Lol. But when you say to your 6 year old the same, what would they do? Well they are out of their diapers, aren’t they?
  2. When someone says be a stay at home mom to a working mother: OK. So your hubby earns a handsome salary and doesn’t need to support anyone except you and your kids and also can afford your shopaholic genes, then yay! You are lucky girl!!! Celebrate yourself. Meanwhile my husband is just starting to settle in his career and take-off. So meanwhile, to help aid his take-off I need to work to keep our life going. And, of course, maybe he is responsible to other’s life too. Or maybe having surprise kids and that too with twins, can pull you off your financial stability. Or having a parent sick can do the same. You need money for all that! Mmmm, I was wondering how about if I share your husband’s credit card??? Lovely isn’t it?                              
  3. When a working mother says to a SAHM you studied to sit at home??: Well, I am not happy that I am a Doctor and stay at home all day stinky, wire-haired and wearing the same pajamas for a week. But I am happy that I am a mother and I am at home. Moroever, when I can be at the comforts of my now-messy home why should I bother to take stress of another set of professional people outside? Additionally, education don’t rust, when my kids grow up and I feel for it, I will get a job. It is actually none of your business as to how, when and where I get the job! But if you are very concerned please help me when I ask rather than turn your face away!
  4. When someone says I do it this way and you should too: OK. You do it your way. It is your family. Your home. Your genes. Do whatever you want. You don’t set the rules in my home. If I cannot go somewhere it is not because I am lazy or ignorant, it is because I have three tiny tots and your kid are above 7 years (and maybe you have only one child)! Well I guess kids of different age behave different right, don’t they? Or is your child still drinking bottled milk and doing his poo in diaper. THEN ok we are in the same boat. If not, stay out of my way. And remember you have no clue as to how my home runs.
  5. Cook this food and you give names of your local food: If I had time to ‘Google’ and cook I wouldn’t bother cooking the same and my traditional food again and again. So, you come up with Arabic, British, Italian, Philippino, Egyptian, Pakistani and Indian names of food. Don’t even bother to say the ingredients because I am not going to buy and stress over it. Or explain me well about it rather than saying “Oh you don’t know this dish? It is very famous!“.
  6. I did this, so you should do this: So you did it. Wow! But really don’t expect me to do it and don’t push me into it until unless I ask you to. You are an experienced mom, but what works for your daughter won’t work for my son. I love your advice and concern but GIVE me the freedom to follow it or not. Don’t just stand right there and make me do it. Rest assured, that will be your last day in my home.
  7. Why don’t you make variety of foods?: Yeah you make delicious food for kids and they gobble it up (or they don’t even look at it). Try that on my son and he might puke. I am not lazy and sitting simply. I am trying to figure it out what is best for my kids. Let me discover their taste buds my way.
  8. Oh what a tragedy your kids are sick!: Nooo! How come that is a tragedy?? Go see the definition in a dictionary! Being sick, like having a runny nose or cough is not a tragedy. It is something really normal. And you might be saying this when your kids are sick at the same time too. Look at your home first and then poke your nose in mine. Actually don’t!
  9. I have so and so experience and psychology degree and so I know my kids well: Listen smart lady, I have seen your kids using your mobile and i-pad and laptop. So didn’t your psychology course teach you the effects of all these on a kid’s brain? Don’t take a class of that on me, do it for yourself please. Or did your common sense box expire? You do not need a master’s to understand a child. You just need some QUALITY time, not the numbers on your marklist! No matter how you prepare for birth nothing is the same as you thought, it is different. It is your unique experience. Same goes for child rearing, you psychology duffer!
  10. I feel sad your kids go to babysitter while you work: Astonishingly this comes from colleagues who send their kids to a day-care too or who have a nanny at home. I mean really get a life please! Don’t you see what you are doing? Are you that stupid? How about I leave my kids in your office or showroom? How about you pay me the money I need for running my life? Before you say this again, please take a moment and ask whether you are in the same place. If yes, please shut up. I will be thankful for it.
  11. Oh your kids are lean and skinny: Yeah mommy! Look at me and hubby we are lean, sexy and hot. So are our kids because they carry our genes. I am so good at heart that I cannot say that you and your spouse are short and stout and so are your kids. Sorry I can’t say it on your face. Yes, so my kids are lean and I am happy because I know they eat and sleep well and have all developmental activities on time. So I don’t need your sympathy. Keep it with you please.

I guess I am done for now. LOL.

If you loved this post please like and share just as a token of appreciation and motivation. Thanks and hugs to all mommas who can relate to at least one annoying aspect in this 🙂 🙂 😀 These are all compiled from different people’s experiences.

I miss my coffee after being a mom!




I am sure just the word coffee makes everyone to grab that one cup of aromatic and lovely coffee.. yummmmmm..

Well, we have coffee on several occassions: As a guest we are served with, as a friend when we go out for a treat, as a coworker while discussing a brainstorming solution, as a daughter having a talk with mom, as a wife having a cozy evening with hubbyBUTas a mother the coffee-drinking becomes a very complicated task and we need a strategy to think how to enjoy a cup of coffee. I remember those beautiful days in my university when I used to have a very big cup of strong coffee with milk and a novel of Tess Gerritsen or Dan Brown to read. Coffee is my love. Now I lost all my relation with it completely.

  Coffee before being a mom

  • Make…

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My lighthouse baby!

476540139            Last night for some reason my eldest daughter was crying on top of her voice and demanding that I sleep with her. Usually it is my husband getting her to sleep. She is 2 years old now and I have another baby to tend to. So without any other choice my husband told me to get the eldest to sleep while he will take care of the baby.
So to make him feel comfortable and calm I told him that she will definitely sleep because she is well fed, her diaper is freshly changed after her recent warm bath. I consoled him saying that she will sleep well. You just need to rock her to sleep. Rest assured I left him with the baby and I was busy calming and soothing my eldest. Shortly after me and my daughter fell fast asleep.
Sunrays hit the curtains and light falls in our room. Checked the clock and it is 6.30am. But I can hear voices outside the room in the hall…… Confused, I peek out to have a look. Why is it so eerie? Only one voice?
My eyes scan wide across the hall AND I had to hold my laugh! (So that my eldest won’t wake up). The scene is as described: my husband is sleeping (snoring) on the sofa. My baby is arrested between the sofa and my hubby. However since she has no toys beside her, her toy is her father’s face!!!! She is learning the contours of his face! She is poking his eyelids. Plucking his eyelashes (Ouch!) Grabbing his nose. Slapping his cheeks. Biting his chin. She is the one talking alone and trying to wake her father up…
I wake him up and ask “Why are you sleeping here?” He replied “Because of the lighthouse!!” I couldn’t get what he is saying and thought he is still sleepyhead and I asked “Didn’t you sleep well?”. He said ” No! I didn’t sleep well because of the lighthouse!!
I started getting annoyed. OK.  What is this lighthouse??????

His version of the story:
He said your baby ( ya! when it comes to naughtiness it is my baby) was awake all night. I tried to get her to sleep but she doesn’t want to sleep. I kept my eyes closed and held her to my chest and started humming. She struggles a lot to look at my face. Now she pushes herself a little bit up aligning her face with mine. I keep my eyes closed. But I can sense her. I kept my eyes a slit open. Since the room is dark she is not able to understand whether my eyes are open or not. So she tries to zoom in and comes very close and look innocently. I am trying really hard to hold my laugh. Then she scans each eye. Slowly. She looks at my left eye. She gets confused. She looks at me again. Then she checks my right eye. Still not able to understand. Just the way lighthouse scans across with lights. Finally she poked my eyes. And everything went from quiet, dark, bored to noisy, loud laughter!.. We were awake all night because she was like a lighthouse scanning for open eyes.. lol..
He promised he will never ask to take care of eldest at night. And I sure he will never say it is easy to take care of her! Isn’t my baby cute to do that! Ha ha ha…..Love my lighthouse baby to bits!!!HUGS!